#Kite Waist Harness Link & Spreaderbar


Kite waist harness with molded nylon back shell, delivered without a spreader bar. Optional: Spreaderbar HOOK, Spreaderbar Rope Slider

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209,00 € VAT Excluded

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  • Harness Size
  • Spreaderbar Hook
  • Spreaderbar Rope Slider

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The Link Harness

Created to enhance your riding experience with a perfect blend of freedom and support. Unlike rigid hardshell harnesses, the Link provides optimal balance with its flexible design, allowing easy movement while maintaining stability.  

Comfort and function are taking the center stage. Its soft inner padding ensures a high level of comfort, while the anti-slip profile prevents it from slipping up. The LINK can be combined with two spreaderbars, the classic hook and the rope spreaderbar, which is particularly popular with wave kiters and foilers. Both versions have an EVA foam pad that effectively protects the rib cage against pressure even in radical maneuvers. The harness is hooked on both sides to the spreader bar via the stainless-steel clasp and tightened via webbing. For optimal safety the Link features a safety snap preventing unintentional unhooking.
Overall, a highly universal harness suitable for all riders, all body types, and all disciplines.​

Comfort and function are taking the center stage. Its soft inner padding ensures a high level of comfort, while the anti-slip profile prevents it from slipping up. The LINK can be combined with two spreaderbars, the classic hook and the rope spreaderbar, which is particularly popular with wave kiters and foilers. Both versions have an EVA foam pad that effectively protects the rib cage against pressure even in radical maneuvers. The harness is hooked on both sides to the spreader bar via the stainless-steel clasp and tightened via webbing. For optimal safety the Link features a safety snap preventing unintentional unhooking.
Overall, a highly universal harness suitable for all riders, all body types, and all disciplines.​

The Link harness can be combined with two different spreaderbars, which are available separately. They are easy to install and can be replaced very quickly if necessary.  

The hook spreaderbar is an extremely stable, welded stainless steel construction with a classic fixed hook. The rope spreaderbar has the same sturdy stainless-steel frame, but instead of the hook, it features two flexible attachment points made of Dyneema. Ideal for foiling or wave kiting but performs great for everything else too except unhooking. 

Both versions are equipped with a wide thermoformed EVA foam pad that protects the chest against the pressure of the spreaderbar, especially when pulling vertically. Pre-curved plastic braces are inserted laterally into the harness and thus form a nice unit and prevent wrinkles when tightened.  


  • FLEX SHELL: Leichte, elastische Polyamid Rückenschale für flexible Rückenabstützung mit viel Bewegungsfreiheit 
  • MEMORY FOAM: Bequeme viskoelastische Schaumpolsterung für angenehm weichen Tragekomfort 
  • CHEST PAD: Thermoverformtes EVA-Polster mit Anti-Slip-Profil reduziert das Hochrutschen des Trapezes 
  • WAIST BELT: Elastischer Bauchgurt mit Klettverschluss hält das Trapez am Körper
  • ROPE HANDLE: Ummantelte Dyneema Leine als Haltegriff, sowie zum optionalen Befestigen der Pro Leash
  • SAFETY KNIFE: Kite-Messer im Waist Belt, um sich im Notfall von umwickelten Kite Leinen zu trennen 
  • DYNEEMA ROPE: Die reißfeste Doppellagenkonstruktion verfügt über eine Antifriktionsbeschichtung und ein Kernseil in leuchtend gelber Sicherheitsfarbe. 
  • CLOSURE BUCKLES: Stabiler Edelstahlverschluss wird in Hakenkrallen an der Spreaderbar eingehakt 
  • BUCKLE LOCK: Sicherheits-Schnapper verriegelt den Verschluss gegen ungewolltes Aushaken
  • TIGHTENING LOOPS: Gurtbänder sind zu einer Schlaufe verbunden für leichteres Festziehen
  • ELASTIC COVER: zum Verstauen der losen Gurtenden
  • SPREADERBARS: zwei verschiedene Spreaderbars separat erhältlich und schnell austauschbar 

Kite waist harness. Optional: Spreaderbar Hook, Spreaderbar Rope Slider


Harness Size XS or S or M or L or XL
Spreaderbar Hook no spreaderbar or S or M or L
Spreaderbar Rope Slider no spreaderbar or S or M or L